Accra real estate
Business, Ghana
 12 Feb '23
 44 |  0 

Accra has beautiful new real estate, villas and apartments, many built during the COVID-19. They are enclosed by a wall or gate and locked at night. You can buy them, even as a foreigner, but you must know that they will never be yours for ever.


The big con of buying Ghanaian property

Accra Villa
Accra Villa
These properties are quite cheap but they lack a cavity wall which increases the price especially of houses in humid area, as in Western Europe. And further there is the finish that is rather sloppy in the case of cheap homes. But you would really like to buy a property like this when you see the palms rising up from behind the fence. However, you should know the following: There comes an end at your ownership and even twice as quickly when you are a foreigner then when you have the Ghanaian nationality. Ghanaian get an ownership of hundred years while foreigners only for fifty years, independent of the price they pay. This is the law of Ghana and if you would consider to buy a property in another country you’ll have to consult the local law to know how things are there.


Building without cavity wall

Buildig without a cavity wall
Buildig without a cavity wall




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