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North Kivu A Hidden Gem in the Heart of Africa

Congo (DRC)  103 |  0 

North Kivu A Hidden Gem in the Heart of Africa

North Kivu, nestled in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is a region of breathtaking natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. From the majestic Virunga National Park, home to endangered mountain gorillas, to the awe-inspiring Mount Nyiragongo with its bubbling lava lake, North Kivu offers an unparalleled adventure for nature enthusiasts […]

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Lubumbashi, Congo Democratic Republic, Accommodation

Accommodation, Congo (DRC)  154 |  0 

Lubumbashi, Congo Democratic Republic, Accommodation

Lubumbashi is the second largest city of the DRC and the capital of Haut-Katanga Province. It is located near the border with Zambia and is an important mining and industrial center. Lubumbashi is also known for its cultural diversity and its lively music scene.Lubumbashi © Chiully Lubumbashi attractions Some of the attractions that you can […]

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What to visit in Lubumbashi?

Activities, Congo (DRC)  135 |  1 

What to visit in Lubumbashi?

If you are looking for a tourist destination in Congo, you should consider Lubumbashi, the second largest city in the country. Lubumbashi offers many attractions for visitors of all ages and interests, including the zoo, botanical gardens, parks, museums and other sites. Lubumbashi Zoo Lubumbashi Zoo is one of the most visited attractions. It was […]

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Congo (DRC) – Democratic Republic of Congo

Congo (DRC), Countries  185 |  0 

Congo (DRC) – Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is a large and diverse country in Central Africa. It has a population of about 112 million people and covers an area of 2.3 million square kilometers, making it the second-largest country in Africa and the 11th-largest in the world. The DRC is rich in natural resources, such as […]

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The situation of driving license and other traffic rules in Kinshasa

Congo (DRC), Traffic  163 |  0 

The situation of driving license and other traffic rules in Kinshasa

What about driving license in Kinshasa? Is it hard to get one? Why that lack of traffic lights, signs and enforcement in Kinshasa, and the rest of Congo? Is that valid for whole Africa? These are some of the questions that many foreigners may have when they visit or live in Kinshasa, the capital city […]

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Car Ownership and Traffic in Kinshasa

Congo (DRC), Traffic  162 |  0 

Car Ownership and Traffic in Kinshasa

Kinshasa is the capital and largest city of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with an estimated population of over 17 million people. It is also one of the most congested and polluted cities in Africa, partly due to the high number of vehicles on its roads. But how many people in Kinshasa actually own […]

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Kinshasa, Congo Democratic Republic’s capital

Capital, Congo (DRC)  516 |  1 

Kinshasa, Congo Democratic Republic’s capital

Kinshasa is a city with a population estimated or measured from 11.000.000 to 30.000.000 inhabitants it seems. Only a dozen hotels are in the hotel searches. What happens in the rest of all those big buildings? Aren’t there any illegal hotels where the service is better than in all those average max. 2 star hotels […]

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Democratic Republic Congo

Congo (DRC), General  164 |  0 

Democratic Republic Congo

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is a large and diverse country in Central Africa. It has a population of about 89 million people and covers an area of 2.3 million square kilometers. The DRC is rich in natural resources, such as minerals, forests and wildlife, but also faces many challenges, such as poverty, […]

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