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The Great Wall of China
 28 Feb '24
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The Great Wall of China

New Delhi, India
capital, India
 28 Feb '24
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New Delhi, India

Bangkok, Thailand
capital, Thailand
 28 Feb '24
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Bangkok, Thailand

Beijing, China
capital, China
 28 Feb '24
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Beijing, China

Tokyo, Japan, a city of order, functionality, fashion first and full of surprises
capital, Japan
 28 Feb '24
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Tokyo, Japan, a city of order, functionality, fashion first and full of surprises

Tokyo is the capital of Japan and one of the most densely populated cities in the world. It is remarkably clean, with no clutter anywhere to be seen. The streets are pristine and even the smoking areas are carefully maintained. Graffiti is virtually non-existent and the city exudes a sense of order and cleanliness. Adapted […]

China, Activities
 7 Jul '23
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Natural quartz sandstone pillar Hallelujah Mountain, 1,080 m is located in the Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan National Park, Yuanjiajie Area, Hunan, China. It was the inspiration for Avatar movie Exploring the Majestic Hallelujah Mountain in Zhangjiajie The Hallelujah Mountain, a natural quartz sandstone pillar standing at an impressive height of 1,080 meters, is one of the most […]