
Black Sea Posted by admin on  Fri, Jan 14th, 2022 @ 6:39:59 PM  173  0    

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After Shabla it has the second largest population (455 in December 2009) of the Dobrich province in North Eastern Bulgaria. It has as neigboring village Vama Veche at the other side of the Romanian frontier. Durankulak is best known for its lake, only few meters from the Black Sea and on some places separated from it by only a small road.
Photo 60504183 © Atanas Paskalev | Dreamstime.com

Durankulak, archeological site

Durankulak is a prehistoric archaeological site on the Golemija ostrov (Big Island) in Lake Durankulak, Bulgaria. Prehistoric settlement began on the small island about 7000 BC and lasted for thousands of years.


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