Kenya best activities
Activities, Kenya
 21 May '23
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What exactly is the wildebeest? What is their evolution? Where can you see the wildebeest and which trips are available on getyourguide?

If you are interested in African wildlife, you might have heard of the wildebeest, also known as the gnu. These large antelopes are native to Eastern and Southern Africa, where they roam the open plains and savannas in huge herds. But what exactly is the wildebeest, and how did it evolve? And where can you see these magnificent animals in their natural habitat? In this blog post, we will answer these questions and more.

The wildebeest belongs to the genus Connochaetes, which means “bearded mane” in Greek. There are two species of wildebeest: the black wildebeest (Connochaetes gnou) and the blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus). The black wildebeest has a dark brown or black coat, a long white tail, and curved horns that point forward. The blue wildebeest has a silvery-gray coat, a black tail, and horns that curve outward and then inward.

The two species of wildebeest diverged about one million years ago, according to fossil records. The blue wildebeest remained in its original range in Eastern Africa, while the black wildebeest migrated southward and adapted to the grasslands of Southern Africa. The blue wildebeest is more closely related to other antelopes in the subfamily Alcelaphinae, such as the hartebeest, the hirola, and the topi. The black wildebeest is more distinct and has no close living relatives.

The wildebeest is one of the most successful and specialized herbivores in Africa. It has a large body, long legs, a muscular neck, and a broad muzzle adapted for grazing on short grasses. It can run up to 80 km/h (50 mph) and has excellent senses of smell, hearing, and sight. It also has a complex social structure, forming large herds that can number in the thousands. The herds are composed of smaller groups based on age, sex, and kinship. The males establish territories and compete for females during the breeding season, while the females give birth to a single calf after a gestation period of about eight months.

The wildebeest is also famous for its spectacular migrations, especially the blue wildebeest in East Africa. Every year, more than one million blue wildebeests travel across the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem in search of fresh grass and water. This is one of the largest and longest animal migrations in the world, covering about 800 km (500 miles) and involving several river crossings where crocodiles and other predators await. The migration is synchronized with the seasonal rains and follows a circular route that varies slightly each year.

The wildebeest is an important part of the African ecosystem, providing food for many carnivores such as lions, hyenas, cheetahs, leopards, and wild dogs. It also influences the vegetation by grazing and trampling, creating patches of bare soil that allow other plants to grow. The wildebeest also contributes to nutrient cycling by depositing dung and urine on the ground.

The wildebeest is not endangered, but it faces some threats from human activities such as hunting, habitat loss, disease transmission, and climate change. Some populations have declined or disappeared due to overhunting or poaching for their meat, horns, or hides. Some habitats have been converted to farmland or urban areas, reducing the available space and resources for the wildebeest. Some diseases such as anthrax or rinderpest can affect the health and survival of the wildebeest, especially during times of stress or drought. Some climate models predict that the rainfall patterns in Africa will change in the future, affecting the timing and extent of the migration.

If you want to see the wildebeest in person, you have several options depending on your budget, time, and preferences. You can book a safari tour that will take you to some of the best places to observe the wildebeest and other wildlife in Africa. You can choose from different types of accommodation such as lodges, campsites, or mobile tents. You can also choose from different modes of transportation such as vehicles, bikes, or hot air balloons.

One of the most popular destinations to see the wildebeest is Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park, where you can witness the great migration from December to July. You can also visit Kenya’s Masai Mara National Reserve, where you can see the river crossings from July to October. Other places where you can see the wildebeest include South Africa’s Kruger National Park, Botswana’s Okavango Delta, and Namibia’s Etosha National Park.

If you are looking for a more adventurous and affordable way to see the wildebeest, you can also opt for a self-drive safari. This means that you rent a car and drive yourself around the parks and reserves, following the maps and signs. You will need to plan your route, book your accommodation, and pay the park fees in advance. You will also need to follow the rules and regulations of the parks, such as staying on the roads, keeping a safe distance from the animals, and not driving at night.

A self-drive safari gives you more flexibility and freedom to explore the wildebeest at your own pace and according to your interests. You can also enjoy the scenery and the culture of the places you visit along the way. However, you will also need to be more prepared and responsible for your own safety and comfort. You will need to have a reliable car, a spare tire, a first aid kit, a GPS device, a phone, and enough food and water.

Whether you choose a guided or a self-drive safari, seeing the wildebeest in Africa is an unforgettable experience that will leave you in awe of nature’s beauty and diversity. You will learn more about these amazing animals and their role in the ecosystem. You will also support the conservation efforts that aim to protect them and their habitat for future generations.

If you are interested in booking a trip to see the wildebeest in Africa, you can check out some of the options available on You can find different tours and packages that suit your needs and preferences. You can also read reviews from other travelers who have done the same trips. You can compare prices, dates, and availability, and book online with ease and security.

Get ready for an adventure of a lifetime with the wildebeest!



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