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Life begins at the end of your comfort zone by Neale Donald


People have different reasons to travel to Africa. Moreover these reasons have evolved over time. On average has a traveler in 2024 other reasons to travel to Africa than someone out of the year 1950.

Parallel to people’s reasons to go to Africa the Africann landscape has changed a lot. While the world evolves on its usual rythm, Africa is evolving at least ten times the normal rate. Africa today is the sum of what we put in its develelopment through the years. Except for the benefits we’ve been fighting for there are also a lot of negative facts linked to this development. Whether it is because of lack of coherence between the different projects, laziness, infrastructure … there is still a lot to do.

We’ve built this site for traveling to Africa from different points of view. You can use it as an ordinary travel site, with flight and hotel bookings and information about the best trips, flights and safaris you can make over this content. Else you can also use it as a business site with new opportunities.

We’re only with few people to build it and take care of the good working. For the talk with visitors we try to integrate AI as good as possible.

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The phrase “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” encourages us to embrace challenges and step beyond what feels familiar or safe. It suggests that personal growth, new experiences, and meaningful moments occur when we push ourselves beyond our comfort limits. So, take risks, explore, and discover—the best parts of life often lie just beyond what we know! 🌟

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