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Ethiopia’s Danakil Depression
Ethiopia, Tours
 19 Aug '23
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If you are looking for an adventure that will take you to one of the most extreme and fascinating places on Earth, you might want to consider visiting the Danakil Depression in Ethiopia. This is a geological wonderland where you can witness the birth of an ocean, the eruption of volcanoes, and the formation of salt crystals. In this blog post, I will tell you everything you need to know about the Danakil Depression, its history, its features, and how to visit it safely.

Skip explanation, show me the safaris in Kenya, Tanzania

What is the Danakil Depression?

The Danakil Depression is the northern part of the Afar Triangle or Afar Depression, a geological depression that has resulted from the divergence of three tectonic plates in the Horn of Africa. The African plate is splitting into the Nubian and Somali plates, creating a rift valley that is gradually widening and deepening. The Danakil Depression is also one of the lowest and hottest places on Earth, with an average temperature of 34°C (93°F) and a record high of 55°C (131°F). It lies about 125 meters (410 feet) below sea level and receives very little rainfall.

The Danakil Depression is home to some of the most spectacular and unique natural phenomena in the world. Here are some of them:

– Erta Ale: This is one of the few volcanoes in the world that has a permanent lava lake in its crater. Erta Ale means “smoking mountain” in the local Afar language, and it lives up to its name with frequent eruptions and lava flows. The lava lake is about 60 meters (200 feet) wide and glows red at night, creating a mesmerizing sight.
– Dallol: This is another volcanic area that features colorful hot springs, geysers, and salt formations. Dallol is one of the most acidic places on Earth, with a pH as low as 0.2. The hot springs have different colors due to the presence of various minerals and microorganisms. The salt formations are created by the evaporation of water from the springs, forming towers, terraces, and pools.
– Lake Afrera and Lake Karum: These are two salt lakes that are located in the Danakil Depression. Lake Afrera is also known as Lake Giulietti, after an Italian explorer who mapped it in 1935. It is a hypersaline lake that covers an area of 100 square kilometers (39 square miles) and has a depth of 160 meters (525 feet). Lake Karum is also known as Lake Assale, which means “bitter” in Afar. It is a salt pan that covers an area of 54 square kilometers (21 square miles) and has a salt crust that is up to 1 meter (3 feet) thick. Both lakes are sources of salt for the local people, who extract it using traditional methods and transport it by camel caravans.

Culture and History of the Danakil Depression

The Danakil Depression is not only a geological wonderland, but also a cultural and historical one. It is considered to be one of the cradles of humanity, as many fossils of ancient hominins have been found here, including Lucy, a 3.2 million-year-old Australopithecus afarensis. It is also inhabited by the Afar people, a nomadic ethnic group that has adapted to the harsh environment and preserved their traditions and customs.

Visiting the Danakil Depression is not for the faint-hearted, as it requires a lot of preparation and precautions. You will need to join a guided tour that will provide you with transportation, accommodation, food, water, security, and permits. You will also need to bring appropriate clothing, footwear, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, flashlight, camera, and medication. You will have to cope with high temperatures, low humidity, dust storms, insects, and altitude changes. You will also have to respect the local culture and environment and follow the instructions of your guide.

The Danakil Depression is one of the most amazing places on Earth that offers a once-in-a-lifetime experience for adventurous travelers. If you are ready for a challenge and a reward, you should definitely add it to your bucket list.

Semera: Danakil Depression Guided 3-Day Tour w/ Camel Ride € 459.87


Explore the Danakil Depression begins in Semara city the capital of the Afar region which is accessible by air from Addis Ababa from Semera, you are driven to Lake Afdera, which is a salt rock at the centre of the Danakil Depression
At Afdera you will enjoy hot springs and then head to Dodom village at the base of Erta Ale, from where you travel to the rim of the volcano on the back of a camel. With all your sleeping materials ready to doze off when you are tired, you will spend the night being awed by the lava bubbling underneath.
On the second day of your visit, you will be driven to Hamad Ela village where you will see caravans of camels plus the picturesque sunset from Assale Salt Lake. Heading to Dallol district, you will enjoy some of the most visually fascinating scenes of the area including the Dallol Sulphur Lake as well as colourful hot springs
On the third day of your excursion you will head back to Lake Afdera and then Semera city, once again enjoying the unique scenes of the area


Danakil Depression 3 Days Guided Amazing Nature Expedition € 505.86


Location: Maasai Mara, Nairobi, Kenya.
The great Wildebeest migration season from July to October is considered the best time of the year to visit the Masai Mara. Game viewing is optimal at this time as there is plenty of predator and prey interactions.
Accommodation & Food: Mara Sopa Lodge, Narok, Kenya or Similar
Transport: 4X4 Land Cruiser. Optional Hot Air Balloon $540, not included
Day 1: From Nairobi to Masai Mara along the floor of the famous Great Rift Valley. Stop to view the lakes, plains, and volcanic terrain. 2nd stop in Masai town of Narok. Afternoon game drive in the Maasai Mara park.
Day 2 & Day 3: Masai Mara Full Day Game Drive
The movements of the Wildebeest Migration is unpredictable. 2 full days in the Masai Mara park will increase your chances of witnessing the river crossing. During this yearly happening the herd has to deal with the strong currents of the river. Moreover the latter is home to always hungry Nile crocodiles.
Day 4: Back to Nairobi


3 Days Danakil Depression Tour € 597.84
Tailored exclusively for photographers!

Location: Serengeti and Ndutu, eastern Mara Region and northeastern Simiyu Region, Tanzania
Accommodation & Food: Green Mountain Hotel, Arusha city, Mbugani Tented Camp (review), Ngorongoro Rhino Lodge, Forest Tented Lodge.
Day 1: Pick up at Kilimanjaro Airport and from there to Arusha.
Day 2: Lake Ndutu in southern Serengeti ecosystem offering exceptional wildlife observation. Afternoon game drive in the Ndutu area, with elephants, bird species, a.o. Sleep at Mbugani Tented Camp.
Day 3 From Ndutu to central Serengeti National Park or Seronera. Experience the vast and endless plains of the Serengeti, home to the biodiverse Seronera area with its Seronera River, a critical water source attracting abundant wildlife. This area is representative of most of the Serengeti species and is ideal for wildlife spotting. Overnight at Mbugani Tented Lodge.
Day 4: witness wildebeest migration on a full-day game drive in Central Serengeti. Marvel at the million-strong herds as they traverse crocodile-infested waters on their journey north, with over 8,000 calves born daily during the calving period. You’ll observe frenzied territorial conquests and mating rituals. Overnight at Mbugani Tented Lodge.
Day 5 Early morning game drive before leaving for the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Olduvai Gorge vit, a historic site where you can see significant links in human evolution. Discover the skulls of “Nutcracker Man” and “Handy Man” by anthropologists Drs. Lois and Mary Leakey. Sleep & dinner at Ngorongoro Rhino Lodge.
Day 6 half-day safari in Ngorongoro Crater with a.o. wildebeest, zebra, buffalo, and predators like lions and leopards. Lake Magadi with flamingos and hippos. Drive to Karatu and sleep at Forest Tented Lodge.
Day 7 From Karatu back to Arusha. Afternoon relax at Green Mountain Hotel’s pool with swim.
Day 8 Transfer to Kilimanjaro International Airport.


Combine this safari with your holidays at Kilimandjaro, Tanzania


You might also wonder if locations like this one are important for exoplanetary research. The answer is yes! The Danakil Depression is an example of an extreme environment that can host lifeforms that are adapted to harsh conditions. These lifeforms are called extremophiles , and they can give us clues about how life might exist on other planets that have similar environments. For instance, some scientists have suggested that Europa , one of Jupiter’s moons , could have an ocean under its icy crust that might harbor life similar to the microbes found in the hot springs of Dallol . By studying these extremophiles , we can learn more about their biology , chemistry , and evolution , and how they interact with their environment . This can help us develop methods and instruments to detect and analyze potential biosignatures on other worlds.

But how do extremophiles survive in harsh conditions? The answer is that they have developed various mechanisms to cope with the stress and challenges of their environment. These mechanisms include:

– Producing extremolytes: These are small molecules that help extremophiles to maintain their homeostasis, such as osmotic balance, pH, and temperature. For example, halophiles produce ectoine, a molecule that protects them from dehydration and high salinity. Thermophiles produce carbohydrates, such as trehalose and sucrose, that protect them from heat and freeze-drying.
– Altering genes and proteins: Extremophiles have evolved genes and proteins that are suited for their environment. For example, thermophiles have enzymes that are more stable and active at high temperatures, due to changes in their amino acid sequence, structure, and interactions. Acidophiles have proteins that are more resistant to acid hydrolysis, due to modifications in their charge, polarity, and solubility.
– Using heat shock proteins: These are proteins that help extremophiles to cope with sudden changes in temperature, by preventing protein aggregation, assisting protein folding, and repairing protein damage. For example, thermophiles use heat shock proteins to prevent their proteins from denaturing at high temperatures.
– Activating the nuclear factor: This is a transcription factor that regulates the expression of genes involved in stress response, inflammation, and cell survival. For example, radiation-resistant microorganisms use the nuclear factor to induce genes that are involved in DNA repair and protection from oxidative damage.
– Employing cellular compartmentalization: This is a strategy that involves separating different parts of the cell into distinct compartments, such as membranes, organelles, or vesicles. This helps extremophiles to isolate and regulate the reactions and processes that occur in their cells. For example, alkaliphiles use cellular compartmentalization to maintain a neutral pH inside their cells, while living in a highly alkaline environment.

What are some extremophile species? The answer is that there are many examples of extremophiles from different domains of life. Here are some of them:

– Deinococcus radiodurans: This is a bacterium that can survive extreme levels of radiation, desiccation, cold, vacuum, and acid. It can repair its DNA damage very efficiently and has multiple copies of its genome. It is also known as the “world’s toughest bacterium”.
– Thermus aquaticus: This is a bacterium that lives in hot springs and geysers, where the temperature can reach up to 95 °C (203 °F). It has an enzyme called Taq polymerase that is used for polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a technique for amplifying DNA.
– Pyrococcus furiosus: This is an archaeon that lives near hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor, where the temperature can reach up to 105 °C (221 °F) and the pressure can be up to 200 atmospheres. It has an enzyme called Pfu polymerase that is used for PCR with high fidelity.
– Halobacterium salinarum: This is an archaeon that lives in salt lakes and salt ponds, where the salinity can be up to 35%. It has a protein called bacteriorhodopsin that converts light into chemical energy. It also has a pink or purple color due to the presence of carotenoids.
– Methanopyrus kandleri: This is an archaeon that lives near hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor, where the temperature can reach up to 122 °C (252 °F) and the pressure can be up to 200 atmospheres. It produces methane as a metabolic product and has a unique cell wall structure.
– Psychrobacter cryohalolentis: This is a bacterium that lives in permafrost soil and ice cores, where the temperature can be as low as -15 °C (5 °F) and the salinity can be high. It has adaptations for cold tolerance, such as membrane fluidity, cold shock proteins, and antifreeze proteins.
– Sulfolobus solfataricus: This is an archaeon that lives in volcanic hot springs and solfataras, where the temperature can be up to 90 °C (194 °F) and the pH can be as low as 2. It has adaptations for acid tolerance, such as membrane stability, acid shock proteins, and proton pumps.
– Chroococcidiopsis: This is a cyanobacterium that lives in deserts and rocks, where it can withstand high levels of UV radiation, desiccation, salinity, and temperature fluctuations. It has adaptations for UV protection, such as pigments, DNA repair mechanisms, and protective sheaths.

Tour with Tripsider
ETHIOPIA: Expedition to volcanoes and salt lakes of Danakil depression
7 days for 1740

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